
Showing posts with label plugin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plugin. Show all posts

Jquery Plugin For MomentJS and Bootsrap 5 - Date Picker

Are You looking for plugin date picker for bootrap 5 and momentjs? you are on right way, because i was building a plugin with jquery where can connect to amazing bootsrap 5 and amazing momentjs. this plugin made diferent with each plugin, because when user click date picker button, this plugin not open pupop but will open modal from bootsrap so user can more focus and trouble when pick a date.

This plugin is a must-have for developers who are working with Bootstrap 5 and Moment.js. It provides a user-friendly date picker that can be easily integrated into any web application. With its sleek design and intuitive interface, users can easily select dates and times with just a few clicks. The plugin is highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor it to their specific needs. It is also lightweight and fast, ensuring that it won't slow down your website. Overall, this plugin is a great addition to any web development toolkit.

Let's take a look at a tutorial on how to use this plugin.,

 1. Firstly, make sure that your website has jQuery, Bootstrap 5, and Moment.js installed.

 2. Next, you need to add the date picker plugin.
3.To do this, put an input tag with the attribute data-datePicker="true" where you want the date picker to appear.

 4.If successful, the input tag will be replaced with an input that includes the date picker.
5 Finally, click on the calendar icon to open the modal date picker and select the date you want. That's it!

Actif button after Do (plugin)

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saya baru membuat plugin ini untuk dua fungsi saja
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  2. shared via twitter
sedangkan fungsi-fungsi yang lain ikutan belakangan karena belum berhasil saya aplikasi kan dengan csript ini.
 anda boleh memilih sesuai selera dengan mengisi form paling bawah pada postingan ini berikut tutorialnya(must read)
1 tutorial pengisian  plugin Actif button After DO untuk fungsi like box facebook 
2 tutorial pengisian form plugin Actif button after do untuk fungsi Twitter
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